Shnookies rec baseball pitching

Donkeys first baseball team the Purple Panthers

Ron kicks it off

Indian guides deer valley day 2 and 3


Egg drop epic fail for Odyssey Mafia


lockness donkey

DV rocks

Ron’s protected his egg from hostile tribes, beasts, and the elements all the way to the top of DV rocks and back down.  We finished with a proper burial at sea.

Afternoon sugar dose

Adventure trail with Ron’s friend Jackson from sunday school

Bocce ball with eaters

Ron defeats gobbler in gaga

Donkey hones his gaga skills 


Rosenbergs strike again at the raffle.  Ron bags his third prize by playing the odds with low ticket items.  Curtis gives gobbler the baseball cards he won.

daddy gets knucklehead award and jumps into the lake


Indian guides deer valley day 1. Donkey’s first